Children's Festival of Stories
2023 Children's Festival of Stories
The 3rd Children’s Festival of Stories was an amazing experience!
In October 2023 at the historic McNichols Building in the heart of downtown Denver, over 40 children’s book creators came together along with hundreds of children and family members to celebrate children's literature. The featured creators engaged in panel discussions, as well as storytimes and face -to-face interactions for book signings. Many vendor booths and craft tables rounded out the experience for the attendees.
Thanks to the incredible generosity of our sponsors, every child took home a FREE book.
The Colorado chapter of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators provided space for up-and-coming as well as established local creators to meet readers of all ages.
Always a FREE event, we will be ever grateful to our sponsors, vendors, partners,
and of course our community.

2019 Children's Festival of Stories
Our 2nd Children’s Festival of Stories was another rousing success!
In March 2019 at the Masonic Temple in Denver, over 40 children’s book authors and illustrators engaged with hundreds of children and family members offering story times, panel discussions and face -to-face interactions for books signings and project creations. There was a special presentation by Colorado theater group, The Story Bakers, who performed literary stories delighting the audience.
Volunteer groups included the Cherry Creek High School Merit Society and the Girls Scouts of America. Always a FREE event, we will be ever grateful to our Sponsors.
The complete engagement of our attendees & audience solidified our belief that this is important work & we will continue to offer this annual FREE opportunity to the community for years to come.

2018 Premiere Children's Festival of Stories
This premiere event was a collaborative creation between Second Star to the Right children’s bookstore and Denver Arts & Venues cultural program. This day-long FREE public event featured national, regional and local children’s books authors and illustrators of board books, picture books, chapter books and middle grade novels. The featured presenters offered book signings, panel discussions and book-themed crafts. A unique creation station and children’s performers engaged the whole family in reading fun! Additional events for educators, aspiring children’s book creators and librarians were also part of this event.
Children’s Festival of Stories also included an Evening of Story for sponsored educators and librarians to meet featured presenters. A day of panels and workshops for educators, writers & illustrators of children’s books to learn from our invited presenters was also offered through this event.
Denver’s Children’s Festival of Stories was supported by contributions from individuals, foundations, corporations, collaborating schools and libraries.