Apply now!
Event Info:
The 3rd Children’s Festival of Stories is a one-day event that features best-selling and award-winning authors & illustrators from all over the US. This FREE event is expected to be attended by 600-700 parents and children (ages 4-13). Attendees will interact with creators & merchants, have opportunities to create crafts projects, attend storytimes, & her panelists speak about their creative process.
Fill out the application below, and send to bookstokidsco@gmail.com
(Fee must be paid in advance to be considered for the festival)
Children’s Festival of Stories
Author/Illustrator Submission Guidlines
What do I need to submit to be considered* for the Children’s Festival of Stories (CFOS)?
A copy of your book and a completed online application.
Comply with Submissions Guidelines especially regarding deadline dates.
If you wish to be considered for facilitation of a workshop, we will need a description of the workshop concept and materials
*Submission of the above does not guarantee acceptance for the Festival.
What is the deadline for submitting materials?
Books should be sent and a completed online application must be received by Friday, November 15, 2019.
Book categories included:
Due to funding, space, and scheduling limitations, the selection process is very competitive. Priority is given to the following
children’s categories, both fiction and nonfiction (ages 0-12), not in any particular order:
Board books
Picture books
Chapter books
Middle grade readers
Young Adult works will not be considered for this festival. Other categories may be considered as space is available and upon the discretion of the CFOS Selection Committee.
To be considered, books must:
Be available to our retail partner (Second Star to the Right Children’s Books) through regular distribution procedures, which include:
● Books must be 100% returnable
● Books must be eligible for a full discount (at least a standard 40% trade discount)
● Books must have an ISBN and a bar code
● Books must be published through a publishing house, independent or university press
In addition, books published between April 2018 and April 2020 (published before April 25 2020) will receive first consideration.
Books must be available to be shipped to our retail partner, Second Star to the Right Books, in Denver, Colorado FOR RECEIPT by Wednesday, April 1, 2020.
Should a self-published author apply?
Self-published titles will not be considered.
What are the workshops?
There will be an opportunity for Authors/Illustrators to facilitate workshops and enhance their visit as well the children attending. Authors and Illustrators will meet their audience one-on-one and be able to share the joys of their craft with those for whom they write and draw. The Name, Concept and Materials Needed should be included on your online application.
Is there an Application Form to complete?
Yes! To be considered for this year’s Festival, complete and submit the online application, send a hard copy of your book to the address provided below (pdf’s may be considered with prior permission), and upload or attach a link to your Press Kit. If you would like to facilitate a workshop during one of the Festival’s sessions, you must include the concept as well as materials needed.*
*Submission of the above does not guarantee acceptance for the Festival.
This application needs to be submitted and book received by Books to Kids by Friday, November 15, 2019.
Any incomplete applications will not be considered.
Please make sure you submit the online application and send your book!
Please mail your book for receipt by Friday, November 15, 2019 to:
Books to Kids
ATTN: CFOS Selection Committee
1545 South Pearl Street
Denver, CO 80210
All materials become the property of Books to Kids and cannot be returned.
Books to Kids is not responsible for applications that were not received.
Incomplete applications or applications that do not meet the submission guidelines will not be considered.
When will authors/illustrators be contacted about participating in the Festival?
Invitations to participate will be sent, via email, on or before Friday, January 17, 2020. A Memo of Understanding (MOU) will be included noting details of participation as well as a deadline for receipt of a signed MOU. Signed MOU’s must be received by noted deadline (email scans of signed MOU’s will be accepted).
Due to the large volume of submissions expected, the CFOS Team is unable to provide updates on the status of individual applications.
Who will be sending information to me?
All email communications will be sent from bookstokidsco@gmail.com; you may want to add this email address to your Contacts to prevent important messages from being filed in a Junk or Spam folder.
What are the expectations of authors/illustrators, if selected for the Festival?
All participants are expected to be available to sign books from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on April 25, 2020, unless arranged in advance with Festival organizers.
Anyone participating in the Festival must be comfortable with crowds and mingling with the public and the media.
Some participating authors/illustrators may be invited to participate in a story time reading, participate in a panel discussion or facilitate a workshop for children.
Are authors paid?
Yes, an honorarium of $200 will be offered to all participating authors & illustrators. Additional honoraria of $75 will be offered for each workshop session presented by a participating author & illustrator.
Can I receive any travel expenses?
Receipts may be submitted between Saturday, April 25 (Festival Day) and May 25, 2020 (30 days after the close of the Festival).
Books to Kids will reimburse for up to $400 in expenses (including airfare, transports to/from airports, travel within Denver
environs). Reimbursement by check will be made within 60 days of submission of receipts.
Can I make school visits during my time in Denver?
Certainly, you and/or your representatives are encouraged to schedule school visits to meet your audience. However, Books to Kids is not able to schedule these visits or commit to transporting you to/from various venues.
Are there hotel accommodations?
Hotel accommodations are booked & will be provided by Books to Kids. Accommodations include a single, non smoking room.
Upgrades must be paid for by the participant. If a participant chooses not to stay at the chosen hotel, any occurring costs must be paid by the participant & Books to Kids cannot be responsible for booking.
What about food and caffeine?
Books to Kids will host dinner Friday, April 24, to which all participating authors & illustrators are welcome.
Coffee, tea, soft drinks & boxed lunches will be provided on the day of the Festival – Saturday, April 25, 2020.
For those facilitating workshops, a light meal will be provided Saturday evening.
Who decides which authors are invited?
The CFOS Selection Committee is comprised of lovers of children’s literature. This team, in partnership with the Books to Kids Board of Directors, is attempting to create a Festival with a roster of authors/illustrators that will blend genres, audiences, age ranges and interests.
If I have questions, who do I contact?
Any inquiries should be sent to bookstokidsco@gmail.com. You should receive a response a response to email inquiries within 48 hours.